Submitting a ticket
If you come across any issues with the platform it's very simple to submit a ticket to request support. From any part of the platform simply click the blue circled question mark in the top right of your dashboard, which should reveal a ‘Contact Support’ box to the right of your screen. From here you can then provide us with a little more detail using the dropdowns and text input.
The ‘Type’ dropdown menu should be used to indicate the area of the platform you need support with; from one of the following:
- Account Management
- Audience Support
- Revenue Analytics Support
- Technical Issues
- Feature Request
- System Issues
- Intent/Brand Taxonomy Request
- Other (for all other requests not related to the above)
The ‘Priority’ dropdown helps us determine the level of impact the issue is likely to have on your operations so we can deal with any issues as timely as possible:
- P1 - Critical - Use of service stopped with no workaround
- P2 - Serious Business Impact - Service is usable but with severe impacts on productivity and functionality
- P3 - Minor Business Impact - Service is usable with limited impact
- P4 - Product Enhancement Request
Users can then use the ‘Subject’ text input box to summarise the issue, utilising the ‘Description’ text input box to elaborate on the issue/request.
Once you’ve clicked on ‘Submit’ a member of the team will get back to you as quick as possible.