Custom Audience Pixel Setup

The Carbon Custom Audience Pixel is a piece of code that collects data on custom events based on how your audiences are engaging with your website. Carbon’s simple pixel builder allows publishers to easily create code for multiple pixels that they can then copy & paste onto the relevant site page or pages.

By collecting this data publishers can track custom conversions and activity (e.g. ad clicks, subscriptions, revenue events, etc) to learn more about them and build audiences for buyers and in-house campaigns.

Creating a custom audience pixel

To create a custom audience pixel, navigate to Audience -> Tracking Pixel.


Click on ‘Create Pixel’


Create your custom audience pixel by filling in the pixel name and description. If you simply want to create an audience based on the simple pixel, you can select ‘Create an audience based on your pixel’


You will be shown the code to copy if you would like to copy and paste the simple tracking code for the pixel on your site.

*Note: To take advantage of our more complex and customized tracking method, follow the steps below for using the event tracking function.


When you click ‘Finish’, you will be brought to a ‘Setup Complete’ page, which can take you back to the Pixel Management page.


Triggering an Event for a Custom Audience Pixel Using the Event Tracking Function

To be able to create audiences using your own taxonomy or event tracking system, you may use Carbon’s event tracking function.

To be able to use this function, create a custom audience pixel first using the previous steps.

Copy the ID for the pixel you’ve just created. In the case below, it is be37e3b4-97c1-4c95-8e0a-deac0bf4f59d.


To send a custom event connected to this pixel, use the Javascript function ccao.fireTrackingEvent() in your site.


This function returns nothing, will create a pixel recording the event, and takes an object as input.

The input object has the following properties:

  • id (String)- The pixel ID (Required)
  • Label (String) - A freeform text value which may be used to label your event (Optional)
  • StringKey (String) - The key assigned to a textual key-value pair (Optional, but required with StringValue)
  • StringValue (String) - The value assigned to a textual key-value pair (Optional, but required with StringKey)
  • NumberKey (String) - The key assigned to a numerical key-value pair (Optional, but required with NumberValue)
  • NumberValue (Number) - The value assigned to a numerical key-value pair (Optional, but required with NumberKey)
  • Money (Number) - A numerical value to be used for revenue

Example Implementation:

With the Carbon privacy queue:

    var firepixel = function(){
        window.ccao = window["ccao"] || {};
        var ccao = window.ccao;
        var trackingObject = {
        id: “be37e3b4-97c1-4c95-8e0a-deac0bf4f59d”,
        Label: “Taxonomy”,
        StringKey: “Food”,
        StringValue: “Desserts”

Without the Carbon privacy queue:

    var firepixel = function(){
        var trackingObject = {
        id: “be37e3b4-97c1-4c95-8e0a-deac0bf4f59d”,
        Label: “Taxonomy”,
        StringKey: “Food”,
        StringValue: “Desserts”

Use cases

Use Case A: Custom Taxonomy Targeting

The custom parameters can be used to build your own site taxonomy and create audiences based on those, especially if you would like to target on intent categories that can’t be found in the IAB 2.0 taxonomy, which Carbon uses.

Example: Pixel Name: “Taxonomy” Event Label: “Food” String Key: “Desserts” String Value: “Cake”

Use Case B: Targeting Pages with Specific Revenue Per Page View

The custom parameters can be used to assign revenue to pages (e.g. sponsored pages) and build audiences based on revenue recorded from the events.

Example: Pixel Name: “Sponsorships” Event Label: “Page View” String Key: “Advertiser Name” String Value: “[Brand Name Here]” Revenue: >= 20

Use Case C: Targeting Specific Sections of a Domain

The custom parameters can be used to build an audience based on profiles seen on a specific section of your website. E.g. If your site has a blog and you would like to build an audience of blog readers.

Example: Pixel Name: “Blog Readers” Event Label: “[Blog Name Here]” String Key: “Blog Category” String Value: “Travel”

Use Case D: Subscription

Example: Pixel Name: “Survey” Event Label: “Unfinished Entry” String Key: “Postal Code” String Value: “” Number Key: “Billing Plan” Number Value: 6.99 Revenue:

Pixel Name: “Survey” Event Label: “Submitted Entry” String Key: “Title” String Value: “Subscriber” Number Key: “Billing Plan” Number Value: 6.99 Revenue:

Pixel Name: “Subscription” Event Label: “Subscription Attempt”

If you need further support please get in touch with your Carbon Account Manager or email us on

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