Revenue Analytics Dashboard

In this section we provide a quick guide on how to get the most out of your revenue analytics. You can access the revenue analytics by expanding the left side navigation bar, click the 'Analytics' dropdown, then click 'Revenue data'.

Understanding the data

When using Revenue Analytics for the first time you will notice the various different data points for you to utilise. These data points represent real data being generated on your properties. This includes things such as users, eCPM, page views, sessions, total revenue and many more.

How to use Revenue Analytics

Revenue Analytics can be used to gain high level insights into all of your properties, mainly to track your overall revenue performance and page views. However you can also use this tool to drill down further into how certain ad campaigns and even specific ad units.

Using filters

The first filter users will see is that of the time/date filter towards the top right of the dashboard. Here, users can set their desired timezone and the date period they would like to see their data for.


Our inline filtering tool enables you to view revenue performance by only showing the data for the parameters of your choice. This is done by using the filter bar at the top of the screen.


The filtering tool allows you to create any amount of filters on the fly as well as save those filter sets for later use. This means you can quickly and easily set up filter sets for any of your chosen parameters and refer back to them at a later time.

Creating a filter set

Start by expanding the filters dropdwon:


Choose your filters from any of the listed items within the dropdown. Once you have done this you will be able to see your chosen filters at the top of the view.


To save your filters, simply use the “Save filters” button and provide a name for your chosen filters.


KPI Tiles

The first set of numbers users see as they scroll down the revenue analytics dashboard will be the KPI tiles. These show the overview figures for users, page views, sessions, and total revenue for the filtered time period.

Daily Breakdown

The first visualisation users will see is the daily breakdown graph; showing the pageviews (blue line) and total revenue (green line) for the chosen period, with the associated table directly beneath the graph.

Summary Stats

On the right hand side of the revenue dashboard there are some other summary stats covering the selected time period. These include average revenue per page view, per session, per user, and the average eCPM; plus the % breakdown of top demand partners and % breakdown of revenue by devices.

Breakdown tables

As users scroll further down the page, they’ll discover a range of breakdown tables showing key revenue stats for individual audiences, demographic make-ups, intent/interest categories, brand affinity, individual pages, ad units, campaigns, referrers, demand partners, content type, and authors.

Each one of these tables is ranked by revenue to show the top performing first but users can rank by the various stats included in each table:

  • Impressions
  • Page views
  • eCPM
  • Revenue

If you need further support please get in touch with your Carbon Account Manager or email us on

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