Platform functionality

Is there lookalike modelling?

Yes. Your client success team and data science team can work with you to define a lookalike audience that matches your targeting and reach objectives.

Can Carbon do retargeting?

Yes, Carbon supports retargeting through our custom event pixels or by creating audiences that target specific URL visits.

Does Carbon help build a taxonomy?

Carbon’s proprietary, automated categorisation engine delivers high quality signals from each page that we see. Our NLP/contextual modelling processes extract the meaningful content of an article, which is identified and labelled based on the IAB’s content taxonomy plus our custom brand and keywords. Furthermore we add weighting to our signals with intent scores - from 0-100% - so we can go beyond just “interest” or “intent” using our algorithms to enable publishers to balance scale vs performance when scoping audiences

In addition to traditional taxonomy based targeting, Carbon also captures more granular contextual data, allowing keyword targeting and brand affinity based audiences to be created. Custom integration work included as part of our onboarding process also provides the opportunity to capture page metadata and integrate with other offline sources to augment the Carbon profiles.

How does Carbon's infrastructure differ from the likes of Nielsen's?

Carbon operates an entirely different next-generation infrastructure from Nielsen that’s optimised for extreme performance and scalability allowing us to deliver a significantly great set of capabilities and benefits for a lower price. We retain a strategic data partnership with Nielsen which allows us to make available any of their 3rd party data within Carbon and although we originally leveraged their audience delivery mechanism, Carbon clients now prefer the speed of delivery they achieve from Carbon's direct, real-time integrations with GAM for example.

Carbon’s unique infrastructure is a secure hybrid of Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure cloud platforms combined with a bespoke, private bare-metal cloud allowing Carbon to deliver these differentiated features (above and beyond the current Nielsen capabilities that we’re aware of):

  • True real-time pre-bid revenue insights across display and video (coming soon), allowing publishers to utilise Carbon’s AdIQ unit for higher revenue performance, re-target high-value users and/or customise the on-page experience for higher engagement.
  • High accuracy and quality of 1st party data capture through Carbon’s automated categorisation into our 4x more detailed taxonomy and brand hierarchy.
  • Behavioural intent scoring across first and third party data, elevating the quality of the “raw” signals for improved campaign CTRs.
  • Subscription audience modelling and highly-engaged fan communities modelled by our award winning data science.

If you need further support please get in touch with your Carbon Account Manager or email us on

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